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  • Publication
    Building Equity in the Scholarly Communications Infrastructure
    (ISU Digital Press, 2021-10-12) Sinn, Robin ; University Library
    Scholarly publishing—the production of journals and books—is a large industry with many universities, scholarly societies, and nonprofit and for-profit publishers involved. The groups with the most money and influence in this system favor research initiatives and academics from the Global North (primarily North America and Europe). Their editorial boards, editors, publishers, peer reviewers (who decide who and what is published) and librarians (who decide what is purchased) are generally products of western higher education and historically-created systems that privilege research and researchers that share the same background. Scholarly publishing is also a majority white industry whose gatekeepers have often been white men.
  • Publication
    What’s Your Tier? Introducing Library Partnership (LP) Certification for Journal Publishers
    (Knowledge Futures, 2021-11-16) Caldwell, Rachel ; Sinn, Robin ; University Library
    As libraries consider how to support the global transition to open, choices and priorities can be overwhelming. Annie Johnson described the difficult place librarians inhabit, including shrinking collections budgets and greater needs to provide paywalled content and support open publishing efforts. In addition to financial concerns, libraries also need to make “informed, strategic decisions about which initiatives to support (and which not to support) [while acknowledging that] each agreement takes so much time to evaluate.” In this situation, so aptly described by Johnson, assessing publishers’ practices is a useful approach.
  • Publication
    Opening the Collection Development Policy
    (ISU Digital Press, 2022-07-13) Sinn, Robin ; University Library
    The Iowa State University Library has set its sights on making academic literature more open, available, and reusable. This is a huge endeavor and several units within the library work to make research information more open.
  • Publication
    Update: Library Partnership (LP) Rating
    (Knowledge Futures, 2023-10-12) Caldwell, Rachel ; Sinn, Robin ; University Library
    If the description of Library Partnership (LP) Certification in our 2021 article intrigued you, you’ll be happy to know we’ve kept busy the past two years. Thanks to dedicated and thoughtful volunteers, LP Certification has grown and changed. This update tells you what we’re currently working on and provides a summary of the work done since fall of 2021.
  • Publication
    Evaluating Neural Radiance Fields for 3D Plant Geometry Reconstruction in Field Conditions
    (Science Partner Journals, 2024-09-09) Arshad, Muhammad Arbab ; Jubery, Talukder ; Afful, James ; Jignasu, Anushrut ; Balu, Aditya ; Ganapathysubramanian, Baskar ; Sarkar, Soumik ; Krishnamurthy, Adarsh ; Computer Science ; Mechanical Engineering
    We evaluate different Neural Radiance Field (NeRF) techniques for the 3D reconstruction of plants in varied environments, from indoor settings to outdoor fields. Traditional methods usually fail to capture the complex geometric details of plants, which is crucial for phenotyping and breeding studies. We evaluate the reconstruction fidelity of NeRFs in 3 scenarios with increasing complexity and compare the results with the point cloud obtained using light detection and ranging as ground truth. In the most realistic field scenario, the NeRF models achieve a 74.6% F1 score after 30 min of training on the graphics processing unit, highlighting the efficacy of NeRFs for 3D reconstruction in challenging environments. Additionally, we propose an early stopping technique for NeRF training that almost halves the training time while achieving only a reduction of 7.4% in the average F1 score. This optimization process substantially enhances the speed and efficiency of 3D reconstruction using NeRFs. Our findings demonstrate the potential of NeRFs in detailed and realistic 3D plant reconstruction and suggest practical approaches for enhancing the speed and efficiency of NeRFs in the 3D reconstruction process.