Journal Issue:
The Iowa Homemaker: Volume 35, Issue 3

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Read Technical Books for Fun?
( 2017-08-14) Rosenquist, Sally ; Iowa State University Digital Repository

"You mean that people on our campus actually write and publish books that are read just for fun?" Chances are this would be your response if you were casually asked if you'd read Hildegarde Johnson's new book, recently released by the Iowa State College Press.

Trial Run to Improve Student Counseling
( 2017-08-14) Gregory, Betty ; Iowa State University Digital Repository

Enrollment in Home Economics at Iowa State has grown to 1480 students since its establishment in 1903. The counseling system that once served a few students satisfactorily is no longer effective. This fall the Junior College has been abolished.

The Iowa Homemaker vol.35, no.3
( 2017-08-14) Abbott, Ruth ; Rowe, Jane ; Montgomery, Jane ; Martin, Marilyn ; Young, Sally ; Deobald, Margaret ; Klingaman, Judy ; Schneider, Donna ; Rosenquist, Sally ; Wells, Carol ; Gregory, Betty ; McCarthy, Ann ; Cady, Susan ; Iowa State University Digital Repository

Campus journalism, 50 years old, Ruth Abbott and Jane Rowe, page 4

At AHEA convention with Jane, Jane Montgomery, page 7

Club starter for wide-awake freshmen, Marilyn Martin, page 8

Home economics club calendar, page 9

Born to be wives of military men, Sally Young, page 10

What’s new, Margaret Deobald and Judy Klingaman, page 12

Jack of all trades, Donna Schneider, page 14

Read technical books for fun?, Sally Rosenquist, page 16

News from an experimental cookery graduate, page 18

This inside man, Carol Wells, page 22

Trial run to improve student counseling, Betty Gregory, page 24

Trends, Ann McCarthy and Susan Cady, page 26

At AHEA Convention With Jane
( 2017-08-14) Montgomery, Jane ; Iowa State University Digital Repository

With six very lucky Iowa State co-eds, I joined 4,000 home economists in Minneapolis on .June 28, to attend the 46th annual American Home Economics Association Convention. During those £our busy, exciting convention days, we attended meetings, viewed exhibits and special entertainment.

Start With Your Hair
( 2017-08-14) Cady, Susan ; McCarthy, Ann ; Iowa State University Digital Repository

Jerita Douglas wants a new an individual hair style to harmonize with her oval face, high cheekbones and broad forehead. She also knows that as long as women's fashions feature high necklines and the turned up collar, short hair will be the calling card for flattery.
