University Library

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The University Library provides and promotes discovery tools, trusted informational resources, and information literacy skills as a vital campus partner in ensuring that the university will lead the world in advancing the land-grant ideals of putting science, technology and human creativity to work. In doing so, the Library equips faculty, staff and students to create, share and apply knowledge in addressing the challenges of the 21st century. The University Library features a collection of over 2.6 million volumes, with strengths in biological and physical sciences and technology.

Publication Search Results

Now showing 1 - 3 of 3
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Critical Views of Leadership and the Academic Library

2018-01-01 , Brundy, Curtis , University Library , Library Administration , Collections and Technical Services

Critical leadership studies (CLS) is a recent branch of leadership studies that examines assumptions and issues with mainstream approaches to leadership development and research. This paper reviews three areas of criticism from CLS. First, leadership is a poorly defined and ambiguous concept. Second, mainstream approaches to leadership can be harmful to followers. And third, there is little evidence demonstrating that leadership development is effective. Next, a recent attempt at library leadership development, the Nexus Project, is examined against the three CLS leadership criticisms. And finally, suggestions from the CLS literature are offered on how to pursue organizational improvements outside the context and shadow of leadership.

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Implementing DORA – A Librarian’s Perspective

2019-08-21 , Brundy, Curtis , University Library , Library Administration , Collections and Technical Services

The Iowa State University Library is active in national and international efforts to transform scholarly communications and, in the process, to advance our own land-grant mission to share the knowledge Iowa State creates with Iowa and the rest of the world. Our library is recognized for its work around transformative open access agreements that enable our researchers’ articles to be published openly. We have invested heavily in green open access as well as in staffing and infrastructure to support the sharing of research data. And we work closely with our campus partners to ensure Iowa State faculty have access to the tools and support services they need to produce and disseminate research of the highest quality and with the highest impact...

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Digital Initiatives Collections Development Policy

2018-01-01 , University Library