University Library

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The University Library provides and promotes discovery tools, trusted informational resources, and information literacy skills as a vital campus partner in ensuring that the university will lead the world in advancing the land-grant ideals of putting science, technology and human creativity to work. In doing so, the Library equips faculty, staff and students to create, share and apply knowledge in addressing the challenges of the 21st century. The University Library features a collection of over 2.6 million volumes, with strengths in biological and physical sciences and technology.

Publication Search Results

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Open Access and Open Education

2020-01-01 , Elder, Abbey , University Library

Open Access and Open Education both stress the importance of making knowledge available for individuals around the world, regardless of wealth or status. These are not wholly separate ideas, nor are they incompatible practices.

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How Libraries Support Open Educational Resources

2023 , Elder, Abbey , University Library

The services that OER initiatives provide are broad and include general advocacy, publishing, and instructional design support, among other offerings. This variation largely stems from the initiatives’ differing capacities. Some academic libraries can afford to invest in extensive programs with a team of full-time staff dedicated to supporting OER, but many cannot. In this section, we’ll be exploring the types of OER support regularly offered through libraries.

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Supporting Student-Centered Learning through Open Pedagogy

2021-01-01 , Elder, Abbey , Reference and Instruction , University Library

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Publishing a Textbook with Instructional Design in Mind: Getting Quality Matters Certification for an OER Course

2023-12-15 , Elder, Abbey , Reddy-Best, Kelly , Hassall, Lesya , Inefuku, Harrison , University Library , Apparel, Events and Hospitality Management , Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching

Dress, Appearance, and Diversity in U.S. Society is an open textbook which was recognized for its accessibility, visual appeal, and content as part of its associated course’s Quality Matters review process. Kelly Reddy-Best, the lead author and instructor for the course, worked with staff in the Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching and the Iowa State University Library to collaboratively develop the textbook by repurposing content that she had previously created for her course. We customized this content to align with the course’s learning objectives and to help learners connect more meaningfully to its core concepts. Learner engagement is particularly important for this course since it covers topics such as identity, social justice, and diversity in ways that might be new to some audiences.

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Assessing the Impact of a Collaborative OER & Affordable Resources Committee: Instructors’ Awareness of Course Material Options

2023 , Elder, Abbey , Alam, Imtiajul , University Library

This case study shares observations from a 2022 survey of 197 instructors at Iowa State University, a public research university in the United States. The survey sought to explore instructor awareness of three major affordable course material initiatives supported by the university’s Open & Affordable Education Committee (OAEC): Open Educational Resources (OER), Course Reserves, and Immediate Access. Results from the survey found that despite significant cross-promotion and collaboration between the three programs represented on the OAEC, the awareness and uptake of each program varied greatly, as did instructors’ understanding of the differences between each material type. This paper shares the results of that survey, as well as improvements which have been made to the OAEC’s programming and promotion efforts in the year since.

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The Effectiveness of Open Educational Resources to Improve Access and Learning in an Electricity Course

2021-04-01 , Haughery, John , Olaniba, Oyetunji , Elder, Abbey , Reference and Instruction , University Library , Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering

A primary motivation for using Open Educational Resources (OERs) is to increase access by reducing students’ financial burden. While this was a motivating factor in this study, the authors also were interested in understanding OER’s impact on student learning. Therefore, this study describes the adaption process for an OER textbook used in a junior-level undergraduate electricity course and evaluates this OER’s effectiveness to increase student access and improve learning over the baseline textbook. A quasi-experimental, non-equivalent design collected exam scores, and self-reported survey responses from n=144 students in a comparison (non-adapted OER; n=83) and treatment (adapted OER; n=61) group was used. Based on Student’s t, Kolmogorov Smirnov, and Chi-square (χ2) tests, the adapted OER was effective at improving access and learning while also saving enrolled students an average of $8,000 per year, collectively. A brief background of OER databases, materials, and methods used to develop the OER and the intellectual contribution of the newly adapted OER, and lessons learned are included in the study.

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Open Access and Open Education, Simplified

2020-01-01 , Elder, Abbey , University Library

Open Access and Open Education both stress the importance of making knowledge available for individuals around the world, regardless of wealth or status.

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Exploring Faculty Perceptions of OER and Impediments to their Use: A Multi-Institutional Study

2020-01-01 , Elder, Abbey , Larson, Amanda , Thornton, Elaine , Cross, Will , Reference and Instruction , University Library

Understanding faculty perceptions about OER is a vital step for those hoping to support the growth of OER initiatives at higher education institutions. Faculty members’ perceptions of OER often influence their interest in adopting open educational practices and their willingness to seek out support from campus staff. To explore how faculty members across their four institutions feel about open education, the authors developed a survey to discover faculty members’ (1) perspectives on, (2) barriers to, and (3) beliefs about OER use. The survey corroborated past research findings that faculty often have difficulty finding time to locate and evaluate OER, and that there is a need among the academic community to better compensate educators for their work developing open content. More notably, the authors discovered that the faculty who are aware of library support services and other institutional OER initiatives are more engaged in open educational practices and willing to explore OER, regardless of their prior experience with open education.