Xiong, Liming

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Aerospace Engineering

The Department of Aerospace Engineering seeks to instruct the design, analysis, testing, and operation of vehicles which operate in air, water, or space, including studies of aerodynamics, structure mechanics, propulsion, and the like.

The Department of Aerospace Engineering was organized as the Department of Aeronautical Engineering in 1942. Its name was changed to the Department of Aerospace Engineering in 1961. In 1990, the department absorbed the Department of Engineering Science and Mechanics and became the Department of Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics. In 2003 the name was changed back to the Department of Aerospace Engineering.

Dates of Existence

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  • Department of Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics (1990-2003)

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Search Results

Now showing 1 - 10 of 15
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Effect of a Long-Range Dislocation Pileup on the Atomic-Scale Hydrogen Diffusion near a Grain Boundary in Plastically Deformed bcc Iron

2023-08-17 , Peng, Yipeng , Ji, Rigelesaiyin , Phan, Thanh , Chen, Xiang , Zhang, Ning , Xu, Shuozhi , Bastawros, Ashraf , Xiong, Liming , Aerospace Engineering

In this paper, we present concurrent atomistic-continuum (CAC) simulations of the hydrogen (H) diffusion along a grain boundary (GB), nearby which a large population of dislocations are piled up, in a plastically deformed bi-crystalline bcc iron sample. With the microscale dislocation slip and the atomic structure evolution at the GB being simultaneously retained, our main findings are: (i) the accumulation of tens of dislocations near the H-charged GB can induce a local internal stress as high as 3 GPa; (ii) the more dislocations piled up at the GB, the slower the H diffusion ahead of the slip–GB intersection; and (iii) H atoms diffuse fast behind the pileup tip, get trapped within the GB, and diffuse slowly ahead of the pileup tip. The CAC simulation-predicted local H diffusivity, 𝐷pileup−tip, and local stresses, 𝜎, are correlated with each other. We then consolidate such correlations into a mechanics model by considering the dislocation pileup as an Eshelby inclusion. These findings will provide researchers with opportunities to: (a) characterize the interplay between plasticity, H diffusion, and crack initiation underlying H-induced cracking (HIC); (b) develop mechanism-based constitutive rules to be used in diffusion–plasticity coupling models for understanding the interplay between mechanical and mass transport in materials at the continuum level; and (c) connect the atomistic deformation physics of polycrystalline materials with their performance in aqueous environments, which is currently difficult to achieve in experiments.

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An atomistic-to-microscale computational analysis of the dislocation pileup-induced local stresses near an interface in plastically deformed two-phase materials

2022-03 , Peng, Yipeng , Ji, Rigelesaiyin , Phan, Thanh , Gao, Wei , Levitas, Valery I. , Xiong, Liming , Aerospace Engineering , Mechanical Engineering , Ames National Laboratory

Taking the two-phase material as a model system, here we perform atomistic-to-microscale computational analysis on how the dislocations pileup is formed at a buried interface through two-dimensional concurrent atomistic-continuum simulations. One novelty here is a simultaneous resolution of the m-level dislocation slip, the pileup-induced stress complexity, and the atomic-level interface structure evolution all in one single model. Our main findings are: (i) the internal stresses induced by a pileup spans a range up to hundreds of nanometers when tens of dislocations participate the pileup; (ii) the resulting stress concentration decays as a function of the distance, , away from the pileup tip, but deviates from the Eshelby model-based , where the interface was assumed to be rigid without allowing any local structure reconstruction; and (iii) the stress intensity factor at a pileup tip is linearly proportional to the dislocation density nearby the interface only when a few dislocations are involved in the pileup, but will suddenly ”upper bend” to a very high level when tens of or more dislocations arrive at the interface. The gained knowledge can be used to understand how the local stresses may dictate the plastic flow-induced phase transformations, twinning, or cracking in heterogeneous materials such as polycrystalline steel, Ti-, Mg-, high entropy alloys, fcc/bcc, fcc/hcp, and bcc/hcp composites, containing a high density of interfaces.

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Amorphization Induced by 60° Shuffle Dislocation Pileup against Different Grain Boundaries in Silicon Bicrystal under Shear

2019-08-20 , Chen, Hao , Xiong, Liming , Levitas, Valery , Aerospace Engineering , Ames National Laboratory , Mechanical Engineering , Materials Science and Engineering , Ames Laboratory

Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of the amorphous band nucleation and growth ahead of the tip of a shuffle 60° dislocation pileup at different grain boundaries (GBs) in diamond-cubic (dc) silicon (Si) bicrystal under shear are performed. Amorphization initiates when the local resolved shear stress reaches approximately the same value required for amorphization in a perfect single crystal (8.6-9.3GPa) for the same amorphization plane. Since the local stresses at the tip of a dislocation pileup increase when the number of dislocations in the pileup is increased, the critical applied shear stress τap for the formation of an amorphous shear band significantly decreases with the dislocation accumulation at the GBs. In particular, when the number of the dislocations in a pileup increases from 3 to 8, the critical shear stress drops from 4.7GPa to 1.6GPa for both the Σ9 and Σ19 GBs and from 4.6GPa to 2.1GPa for the Σ3 GB, respectively. After the formation of steps and disordered embryos at the GBs, the atomistic mechanisms responsible for the subsequent amorphous shear band formations near different GBs are found to distinct from each other. For a high-angle GB, such as Σ3, an amorphous band propagates through the crystalline phase along the (112) plane. For the Σ9 GB, partial dislocations forming a stacking fault precede the formation of an amorphous band along the (110) plane. For the Σ19 GB, the one-layer stacking fault along the (111) plane transforms into an interesting intermediate phase: a two-layer band with the atomic bonds being aligned along the (111) plane (i.e., rotated by 30o with respect to the atomic bonds outside the band). This intermediate phase transforms to the amorphous band along the (111) plane under a further shearing. The obtained results represent an atomic-level confirmation of the effectiveness of dislocation pileup at the nucleation site for various strain-induced phase transformations (PTs), and exhibit some limitations.

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Ballistic-diffusive phonon heat transport across grain boundaries

2017-09-01 , Chen, Xiang , Li, Weixuan , Xiong, Liming , Li, Yang , Yang, Shengfeng , Zheng, Zexi , McDowell, David L. , Chen, Youping , Aerospace Engineering

The propagation of a heat pulse in a single crystal and across grain boundaries (GBs) is simulated using a concurrent atomistic-continuum method furnished with a coherent phonon pulse model. With a heat pulse constructed based on a Bose-Einstein distribution of phonons, this work has reproduced the phenomenon of phonon focusing in single and polycrystalline materials. Simulation results provide visual evidence that the propagation of a heat pulse in crystalline solids with or without GBs is partially ballistic and partially diffusive, i.e., there is a co-existence of ballistic and diffusive thermal transport, with the long-wavelength phonons traveling ballistically while the short-wavelength phonons scatter with each other and travel diffusively. To gain a quantitative understanding of GB thermal resistance, the kinetic energy transmitted across GBs is monitored on the fly and the time-dependent energy transmission for each specimen is measured; the contributions of coherent and incoherent phonon transport to the energy transmission are estimated. Simulation results reveal that the presence of GBs modifies the nature of thermal transport, with the coherent long-wavelength phonons dominating the heat conduction in materials with GBs. In addition, it is found that phonon-GB interactions can result in reconstruction of GBs.

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Atomistic mechanisms of phase nucleation and propagation in a model two-dimensional system

2022-12-07 , Shuang, Fei , Penghao, Xiao , Xiong, Liming , Gao, Wei , Aerospace Engineering

We present a computational study on the solid–solid phase transition of a model two-dimensional system between hexagonal and square phases under pressure. The atomistic mechanism of phase nucleation and propagation are determined using solid-state Dimer and nudged elastic band (NEB) methods. The Dimer is applied to identify the saddle configurations and NEB is applied to generate the transition minimum energy path (MEP) using the outputs of Dimer. Both the atomic and cell degrees of freedom are used in saddle search, allowing us to capture the critical nuclei with relatively small supercells. It is found that the phase nucleation in the model material is triggered by the localized shear deformation that comes from the relative shift between two adjacent atomic layers. In addition to the conventional layer-by-layer phase propagation, an interesting defect-assisted low barrier propagation path is identified in the hexagonal to square phase transition. The study demonstrates the significance of using the Dimer method in exploring unknown transition paths without a priori assumption. The results of this study also shed light on phase transition mechanisms of other solid-state and colloidal systems.

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Stationary Dislocation Motion at Stresses Significantly below the Peierls Stress: Example of Shuffle Screw and 60∘ Dislocations in Silicon

2021-01-06 , Chen, Hao , Xiong, Liming , Levitas, Valery , Zhang, Xiancheng , Aerospace Engineering , Ames National Laboratory , Mechanical Engineering , Ames Laboratory

The stationary motion of shuffle screw and 60∘ dislocations in silicon when the applied shear, τap, is much below the static Peierls stress,τpmax, is proved and quantified through a series of molecular dynamics (MD) simulations at 1 K and 300 K, and also by solving the continuum-level equation of motion, which uses the atomistic information as inputs. The concept of a dynamic Peierls stress, τpd, below which a stationary dislocation motion can never be possible, is built upon a firm atomistic foundation. In MD simulations at 1 K, the dynamic Peierls stress is found to be 0.33GPa for a shuffle screw dislocation and 0.21GPa for a shuffle 60∘ dislocation, versus τpmax of 1.71GPa and 1.46GPa, respectively. The critical initial velocity v0c(τap) above which a dislocation can maintain a stationary motion at τpd<τap<τpmax is found. The velocity dependence of the dissipation stress associated with the dislocation motion is then characterized and informed into the equation of motion of dislocation at the continuum level. A stationary dislocation motion below τpmax is attributed to: (i) the periodic lattice resistance smaller than τpmax almost everywhere; and (ii) the change of a dislocation’s kinetic energy, which acts in a way equivalent to reducing τpmax. The results obtained here open up the possibilities of a dynamic intensification of plastic flow and defects accumulations, and consequently, the strain-induced phase transformations. Similar approaches can be applicable to partial dislocations, twin and phase interfaces.

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Slip of shuffle screw dislocations through tilt grain boundaries in silicon

2019-02-01 , Chen, Hao , Xiong, Liming , Levitas, Valery , Aerospace Engineering , Ames National Laboratory , Mechanical Engineering , Materials Science and Engineering , Ames Laboratory

In this paper, molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of the interaction between tilt grain boundaries (GBs) and a shuffle screw dislocation in silicon are performed. Results show that dislocations transmit into the neighboring grain for all GBs in silicon. For Σ3, Σ9 and Σ19 GBs, when a dislocation interacts with a heptagon site, it transmits the GB directly. In contrast, when interacting with a pentagon site, it first cross slips to a plane on the heptagon site and then transmits the GB. The energy barrier is also quantified using the climbing image nudged elastic band (CINEB) method. Results show that Σ3 GB provides a barrier for dislocation at the same level of the Peierls barrier. For both Σ9 and Σ19 GBs, the barrier from the heptagon sites is much larger than the pentagon sites. Since the energy barrier for crossing all the GBs at the heptagon sites is only slightly larger than the Peierls barrier, perfect screw dislocations cannot pile up against these GBs. Furthermore, the critical shear stress averaged over the whole sample for the transmission through the Σ9 and Σ19 GBs is almost twice on heptagon site for initially equilibrium dislocation comparing with dislocations moving at a constant velocity.

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A finite-temperature coarse-grained atomistic approach for understanding the kink-controlled dynamics of micrometer-long dislocations in high-Peierls-barrier materials

2022-09-06 , Ji, Rigelesaiyin , Phan, Thanh , Chen, Youping , McDowell, David L. , Xiong, Liming , Aerospace Engineering

We present a phonon dynamics-based finite-temperature coarse-grained (FT-CG) atomistic approach for characterizing the kink-controlled dislocation dynamics in high-Peierls-barrier materials. The applicability of it is demonstrated through simulating the motion of a ~ 3 µm-long dislocation in a bcc iron sample containing ~ 230 million atoms. Cross-kink and debris are found on a µm-long dislocation at a lower stress than that on a nm-long dislocation. They are largely promoted by high-frequency/short-wavelength phonons. FT-CG is shown to be a first model of its kind that can predict the mobility of a µm-long dislocation without smearing out the atomic-level kink dynamics on it.

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Mechanical degradation due to vacancies produced by grain boundary corrosion of steel

2020-11-01 , Yavas, Denizhan , Phan, Thanh , Xiong, Liming , Bastawros, Ashraf , Hebert, Kurt , Hebert, Kurt R , Aerospace Engineering , Ames National Laboratory , Mechanical Engineering , Materials Science and Engineering , Chemical and Biological Engineering , Ames Laboratory

Ductile alloys fail in corrosive environments by intergranular stress corrosion cracking, through interactions between mechanical and chemical processes that are not yet understood. We investigate formation and mechanical effects of metal defects produced by grain boundary corrosion of low-alloy pipeline steel, at conditions of high susceptibility to stress corrosion cracking in the absence of hydrogen evolution. Nanoindentation measurements show local softening near corroded grain boundaries, indicated by significantly reduced critical loads for dislocation nucleation. Molecular dynamics simulations of nanoindentation of bulk iron showed that metal vacancies and not interstitial hydrogen atoms explain the observed critical load reduction. Both the dislocation activation volume and dislocation activation energy for vacancy-charged samples are found to be nearly one-half of that for a hydrogen charged samples. Quantitative agreement with experimentally measured indentation response was found for vacancy concentrations equivalent to the bulk silicon concentration in the steel, suggesting that vacancies originate from oxidation of reactive silicon solute atoms at grain boundaries. The results help explain the chemical mechanism of formation of vacancy defects that may participate in grain boundary degradation in the absence of hydrogen embrittlement environment.

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Passing waves from atomistic to continuum

2018-02-01 , Chen, Xiang , Diaz, Adrian , Xiong, Liming , McDowell, David L. , Chen, Youping , Aerospace Engineering

Progress in the development of coupled atomistic–continuum methods for simulations of critical dynamic material behavior has been hampered by a spurious wave reflection problem at the atomistic–continuum interface. This problem is mainly caused by the difference in material descriptions between the atomistic and continuum models, which results in a mismatch in phonon dispersion relations. In this work, we introduce a new method based on atomistic dynamics of lattice coupled with a concurrent atomistic–continuum method to enable a full phonon representation in the continuum description. This permits the passage of short-wavelength, high-frequency phonon waves from the atomistic to continuum regions. The benchmark examples presented in this work demonstrate that the new scheme enables the passage of all allowable phonons through the atomistic–continuum interface; it also preserves the wave coherency and energy conservation after phonons transport across multiple atomistic–continuum interfaces. This work is the first step towards developing a concurrent atomistic–continuum simulation tool for non-equilibrium phonon-mediated thermal transport in materials with microstructural complexity.