The Iowa Dairy Story—Educating Young Consumers
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Over 12,000 students have attended the Iowa Dairy Story presented at the Dairy Center on the Northeast Iowa Community College Campus, Calmar, Iowa. Targeting third, fourth, and fifth graders, up to eight lessons plus tours of the 250-cow operating dairy, and interactive nutritional information educates them on how milk is created and its’ importance in human growth and development. An average of 1,000+ students each year learn the origin of milk, proper dairy care and handling, milk quality and safety, dairy products, and nutrition. A total of 38 schools have participated in the program. A 2012 teacher survey was conducted to assess program (content, communications, and presenters) as well as 4 pre-trip and 3-post trip lessons (1–10 system; 1 = poor; 5 = avg.; 10 = excellent). Average overall teacher evaluation scores for these categories were: 9.83, 10, 9.92, 9.64, 9.3, 9.82, 9.82, 9.73, 9.73, and 9.64, respectfully. The program rates very high with teachers and students.