Using ConceptGrid as an easy authoring technique to check natural language responses Blessing, Stephen Devasani, Shrenik Gilbert, Stephen Sinapov, Jivko
dc.contributor.department Computer Science
dc.contributor.department Virtual Reality Applications Center
dc.contributor.department Psychology
dc.contributor.department Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering
dc.contributor.department Human Computer Interaction 2018-02-18T13:47:16.000 2020-06-30T04:47:52Z 2020-06-30T04:47:52Z Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 UTC 2015 2015-01-01
dc.description.abstract <p>ConceptGrid provides a template-style approach to check natural language responses by students using a model-tracing style intelligent tutoring system. The tutor-author creates, using a web-based authoring system, a latticestyle structure that contains the set of required concepts that need to be in a student response. The author can also create just-in-time feedback based on the concepts present or absent in the student's response. ConceptGrid is integrated within the xPST authoring tool and was tested in two experiments, both of which show the efficacy of the technique to check student answers. The first study tested the tutor's effectiveness overall in the domain of statistics. The second study investigated ConceptGrid's use by non-programmers and non-cognitive scientists. ConceptGrid extends existing capabilities for authoring of intelligent tutors by using this template-based approach for checking sentence-length natural language input.</p>
dc.description.comments <p>This is a manuscript of an article published as Blessing, Stephen B., Shrenik Devasani, Stephen B. Gilbert, and Jivko Sinapov. "Using ConceptGrid as an easy authoring technique to check natural language responses." <em>International Journal of Learning Technology</em> 10, no. 1 (2015): 50-70. DOI:<a href="" target="_blank">10.1504/IJLT.2015.069449</a>. Posted with permission.</p>
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf
dc.identifier archive/
dc.identifier.articleid 1133
dc.identifier.contextkey 10292677
dc.identifier.s3bucket isulib-bepress-aws-west
dc.identifier.submissionpath imse_pubs/132
dc.language.iso en
dc.source.bitstream archive/|||Fri Jan 14 19:47:01 UTC 2022
dc.source.uri 10.1504/IJLT.2015.069449
dc.subject.disciplines Applied Mechanics
dc.subject.disciplines Dynamics and Dynamical Systems
dc.subject.disciplines Industrial Engineering
dc.subject.disciplines Systems Engineering
dc.subject.keywords just-in-time feedback
dc.subject.keywords JIT feedback
dc.subject.keywords intelligent tutoring
dc.subject.keywords natural language responses
dc.subject.keywords authoring tools
dc.subject.keywords model tracing
dc.subject.keywords web-based authoring
dc.subject.keywords Extensible Problem Specific Tutor
dc.subject.keywords xPST
dc.subject.keywords learning technology
dc.subject.keywords ConceptGrid
dc.title Using ConceptGrid as an easy authoring technique to check natural language responses
dc.type article
dc.type.genre article
dspace.entity.type Publication
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