Beyond Violence and Villains: How Local Television News Frames Key Sources in Crime Narratives Cruz-Rodriguez, Susan
dc.contributor.department Greenlee School of Journalism and Mass Communication 2018-02-18T16:40:36.000 2020-07-07T05:11:52Z 2020-07-07T05:11:52Z 2017-04-11
dc.description.abstract <p>Jan Lauren Boyles, Greenlee School of Journalism and Mass Communication Abstract: Culturally, television plays an important role in developing social identity (Gerbner, Gross, Morgan, Signorielli & Shanahan, 2002). For local television news stations, crime stories occupy a prominent place in nightly broadcasts. Building upon prior literature, this study illustrates how television newscasts frame crime stories for audiences. Based upon a content analysis of local news programming from three Washington, DC network affiliates, the researchers examined how news reporters and anchors construct social identity for three key sources mentioned in crime stories: perpetrators, witnesses and victims. While crime was featured prominently in the first block of newscast content, television reporters and anchors rarely contextualized sources within the narratives, instead relying heavily upon demographic descriptions of these individuals, such as age and gender.</p>
dc.identifier archive/
dc.identifier.articleid 1232
dc.identifier.contextkey 10452695
dc.identifier.s3bucket isulib-bepress-aws-west
dc.identifier.submissionpath undergradresearch_symposium/2017/presentations/52
dc.relation.ispartofseries Symposium on Undergraduate Research and Creative Expression
dc.subject.disciplines Journalism Studies
dc.title Beyond Violence and Villains: How Local Television News Frames Key Sources in Crime Narratives
dc.type event
dc.type.genre event
dspace.entity.type Publication
relation.isSeriesOfPublication 6730f354-97b8-4408-bad3-7e5c3b2fca9d Public Relations