Conference Proceedings and Presentations

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  • Publication
    The effects of collective trauma on Iowa farmers, their communities, and sustainability outcomes
    (Springer, 2024-06-14) Morris, Chris ; Arbuckle, J. Gordon ; Sociology
    Collective trauma refers to psychological effects that are experienced by a group of people in response to shared traumatic conditions. Farmers represent a unique population that is chronically exposed to potentially traumatic events and conditions particular to the agricultural industry. Farming communities in Iowa have experienced the farm crisis of the 1980s, decades of extreme weather events, rapidly fluctuating markets, trade wars, rising input costs, farm bankruptcies and foreclosures, and high rates of farmer suicides. Exposure to such conditions can potentially have dramatic effects on the people who experience them and the communities they live in. While research exists examining the behavioral health aspects of stress in farmers, no studies have examined the lived experiences of farmers within the framework of collective trauma and its effects on decision-making. To investigate how Iowa farmers perceive their own experiences of these potential types of collective trauma, this study conducted in-depth semi-structured interviews with farmers and farmer-oriented behavioral health experts. Particular focus is placed on how collective trauma affects individual farmers, their families, and their farming communities, as well as how this type of trauma impacts farm management decisions and sustainability outcomes. Qualitative data were analyzed using a grounded theory approach to develop a theoretical framework describing how collective trauma, in the form of environmental, financial, and community threats, impacts farm management decisions and, in turn, affects environmental, economic, and social sustainability outcomes. Potential implications for how agricultural policy can potentially address the effects and systemic causes of trauma are discussed.
  • Publication
    Finding beauty in the struggle: Using relational dialectics theory to analyze discourses that influence what it means to be both mom and caregiver to a child with medical complexities
    ( 2021-05) McGuire, Maeve ; Rafferty, Katherine ; Psychology
    One in four chronically ill children in the United States has a complex chronic condition (CCC) (Rezaee & Pollock, 2015). Most parental caregivers for children with CCCs are mothers as they work to meet societal expectations of what “good mothering” entails (Israr, 2019; Benjamin et al., 2019). “Good” mothers must be “committed, ever available, [and] deeply involved” while caring for their child in a “seamless, … natural, and organic” way (Musick et al., 2016). Relational dialectics theory (Baxter, 2008) analyzes how communication is ripe with contradictions, or discourses. Our study focuses on how dominant centripetal discourses interplay with each other to create transformative instances.
  • Publication
    Human Trafficking Awareness Campaign
    ( 2021-05) McDonald, Makayla ; Stoehr, Alissa ; Sociology
    Human trafficking affects nearly 24.9 million people worldwide and is a $150 billion industry. Human Trafficking is an umbrella term that encompasses sex, labor, organ, child soldiers, forced or child marriage, etc. In looking at products that addressed Human Trafficking, there appeared to be a gap in items that gave creditable information, were aesthetic to the eye, and were something people would want to keep. Overall, I wanted to fill in this gap by creating awareness around human trafficking with accurate information and designing products people would want to display.
  • Publication
    Accessible and Inclusive: A New Open-Access Handbook on DEI Metadata
    ( 2024-05-22) Wintermute, Harriet ; Campbell, Heather ; Rose, Nausicaa ; Dieckman, Christopher ; Thulsidhos, Hema ; University Library

    DEI metadata work has several goals: enhancing diverse representation in descriptive metadata; improving discovery of diverse resources; and mitigating negative effects of inaccurate, outdated, or offensive terminology. Through this work, librarians support their institutions’ commitments to foster a welcoming environment, provide access and opportunity, and promote a sense of belonging.

    With the collaboration of the Iowa State University Digital Press, and building on the important groundwork laid by many others, five librarians wrote a handbook to provide guidelines for metadata work that focuses on diversity, equity, and inclusion. The authors' vision was to produce a one-stop, introductory reference, and make it freely available through open access.

    In the presentation, the authors highlight some of the contents of the handbook and go over the creation of the book, including the timeline, the open peer review process, and publication as an open-access e-book.

    Through the presentation, attendees should gain a broad awareness of DEI-related issues in metadata creation and management; learn techniques for retroactively reviewing and updating existing metadata to address these issues; and develop strategies to create metadata that better meets DEI needs.

  • Publication
    Using Physical Principles to Create an Image
    ( 2021-05) Ward, Phillip ; Kaleita, Amy ; Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering
    This project explores the world of the camera along with its history and all its intricacies. Cameras are something taken for granted in everyday life, being as accessible as sitting in our pockets every day. No one sits and thinks about how this marvel of technology works. Although it took hundreds of years to develop the first working commercially available cameras, the principles that govern how a camera works are actually very simple to understand. From the lens and the shutter, to the film and rules of exposure, I will be going over how and why a camera works. I take this information of the rules governing light physics and use it to build a camera of my own utilizing simple parts and models. Documenting my progress along the way, and using my second passion for film and my filmmaking skills, I created a fun video of my journey on producing my own original images. My goal of this project is to inform people in a fun and creative way about the world of cameras, a tool literally everyone uses in their everyday life, and hopefully inspire people to do their own projects with cameras.