Differential expression of cytokine transcripts in neonatal and adult ovine alveolar macrophages in response to respiratory syncytial virus or toll-like receptor ligation

dc.contributor.author Fach, Sasha
dc.contributor.author Olivier, Alicia
dc.contributor.author Gallup, Jack
dc.contributor.author Waters, Theresa
dc.contributor.author Ackermann, Mark
dc.contributor.author Lehmkuhl, Howard
dc.contributor.author Sacco, Randy
dc.contributor.department Veterinary Pathology
dc.date 2018-02-13T06:21:24.000
dc.date.accessioned 2020-07-07T05:15:47Z
dc.date.available 2020-07-07T05:15:47Z
dc.date.embargo 2013-02-25
dc.date.issued 2010-07-01
dc.description.abstract <p>Alveolar macrophages (AMϕs) secrete regulatory molecules that are believed to be critical in maintaining normal lung homeostasis. However, in response to activating signals, AMϕs have been shown to become highly phagocytic cells capable of secreting significant levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines. There is evidence to suggest that susceptibility of Mϕ subpopulations to viral infection, and their subsequent cytokine/chemokine response, is dependent on age of the host. In the present study, we compared bovine respiratory syncytial virus (BRSV) replication and induction of cytokine responses in neonatal ovine AMϕs to those cells isolated from adult animals. While neonatal AMϕs could be infected with BRSV, viral replication was limited as previously shown for AMϕs from mature animals. Interestingly, following BRSV infection, peak mRNA levels of IL-1β and IL-8 in neonatal AMϕ were several fold higher than levels induced in adult AMϕs. In addition, peak mRNA expression for the cytokines examined occurred at earlier time points in neonatal AMϕs compared to adult AMϕs. However, the data indicated that viral replication was not required for the induction of specific cytokines in either neonatal or adult AMϕs. TLR3 and TLR4 agonists induced significantly higher levels of cytokine transcripts than BRSV in both neonatal and adult AMϕs. It was recently proposed that immaturity of the neonatal immune system extends from production of pro-inflammatory cytokines to regulation of such responses. Differential regulation of cytokines in neonatal AMϕs compared to adult AMϕs in response to RSV could be a contributory factor to more severe clinical episodes seen in neonates.</p>
dc.description.comments <p>This article is from <em>Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology </em>136, no. 1–2 (July 2010): 55–64, doi:<a href="http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.vetimm.2010.02.008" id="x-ddDoi" target="_blank">10.1016/j.vetimm.2010.02.008</a>.</p>
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf
dc.identifier archive/lib.dr.iastate.edu/vpath_pubs/22/
dc.identifier.articleid 1021
dc.identifier.contextkey 3784485
dc.identifier.s3bucket isulib-bepress-aws-west
dc.identifier.submissionpath vpath_pubs/22
dc.identifier.uri https://dr.lib.iastate.edu/handle/20.500.12876/92445
dc.language.iso en
dc.source.bitstream archive/lib.dr.iastate.edu/vpath_pubs/22/2010_Fach_DifferentialExpressionCytokine.pdf|||Fri Jan 14 22:39:53 UTC 2022
dc.source.uri 10.1016/j.vetimm.2010.02.008
dc.subject.disciplines Veterinary Pathology and Pathobiology
dc.subject.keywords Respiratory syncytial virus
dc.subject.keywords Toll-like receptors
dc.subject.keywords Alveolar macrophage
dc.subject.keywords Ovine lung
dc.subject.keywords Neonates
dc.title Differential expression of cytokine transcripts in neonatal and adult ovine alveolar macrophages in response to respiratory syncytial virus or toll-like receptor ligation
dc.type article
dc.type.genre article
dspace.entity.type Publication
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