An Assessment of Diagnostic Assays and Sample Types in the Detection of an Attenuated Genotype 5 African Swine Fever Virus in European Pigs over a 3-Month Period Havas, Karyn A. Giménez-Lirola, Luis et al.
dc.contributor.department Veterinary Diagnostic and Production Animal Medicine 2022-04-12T22:34:46Z 2022-04-12T22:34:46Z 2022-03-26
dc.description.abstract African swine fever virus causes hemorrhagic disease in swine. Attenuated strains are reported in Africa, Europe, and Asia. Few studies on the diagnostic detection of attenuated ASF viruses are available. Two groups of pigs were inoculated with an attenuated ASFV. Group 2 was also vaccinated with an attenuated porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus vaccine. Commercially available ELISA, as well as extraction and qPCR assays, were used to detect antibodies in serum and oral fluids (OF) and nucleic acid in buccal swabs, tonsillar scrapings, OF, and blood samples collected over 93 days, respectively. After 12 dpi, serum (88.9% to 90.9%) in Group 1 was significantly better for antibody detection than OF (0.7% to 68.4%). Group 1′s overall qPCR detection was highest in blood (48.7%) and OF (44.2%), with the highest detection in blood (85.2%) from 8 to 21 days post inoculation (dpi) and in OF (83.3%) from 1 to 7 dpi. Group 2′s results were not significantly different from Group 1, but detection rates were lower overall. Early detection of attenuated ASFV variants requires active surveillance in apparently healthy animals and is only reliable at the herd level. Likewise, antibody testing will be needed to prove freedom from disease.
dc.description.comments This article is published as Havas, Karyn A., Andrey E. Gogin, Julia V. Basalaeva, Irina P. Sindryakova, Olga L. Kolbasova, Ilya A. Titov, Valentina M. Lyska et al. "An Assessment of Diagnostic Assays and Sample Types in the Detection of an Attenuated Genotype 5 African Swine Fever Virus in European Pigs over a 3-Month Period." Pathogens 11, no. 4 (2022): 404. DOI: 10.3390/pathogens11040404. Copyright 2022 by the authors. Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). Posted with permission.
dc.language.iso en
dc.publisher MDPI
dc.source.uri *
dc.subject.keywords African swine fever
dc.subject.keywords attenuation
dc.subject.keywords diagnostics
dc.subject.keywords detection
dc.title An Assessment of Diagnostic Assays and Sample Types in the Detection of an Attenuated Genotype 5 African Swine Fever Virus in European Pigs over a 3-Month Period
dc.type Article
dspace.entity.type Publication
relation.isAuthorOfPublication abbf44fd-a4a0-4859-8b5c-af2b853c9547
relation.isOrgUnitOfPublication 5ab07352-4171-4f53-bbd7-ac5d616f7aa8
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