Time Resolved Line Focus Acoustic Microscopy of Composites

dc.contributor.author Wang, L.
dc.contributor.author Rokhlin, Stanislav
dc.contributor.author Hsu, N.
dc.date 2018-02-14T09:22:36.000
dc.date.accessioned 2020-06-30T06:50:49Z
dc.date.available 2020-06-30T06:50:49Z
dc.date.copyright Fri Jan 01 00:00:00 UTC 1999
dc.date.issued 1999
dc.description.abstract <p>Acoustic microscopy has been used to measure material properties since the 1980s [1–4]. The velocity of the leaky surface wave can be accurately determined from the V(z) curve which is formed by the interference between the leaky surface wave and specular reflection. By fitting the leaky wave velocity or the V(z) curve itself, Kim et al. [4] reconstructed the material properties (elastic constants and mass density). Another approach is time-resolved acoustic microscopy [5–8]. In this method, the leaky surface wave and the specular reflection are separated in the time domain and the velocity is determined from the time of flight. For a graphite/epoxy composite, due to the complexity of the reflected signal and the absence of Rayleigh wave excitation, it is impractical to determine material properties from the V(z) curve. In time-resolved acoustic microscopy, the different reflection signals are separated in the time domain and the velocity measurement is simplified. For graphite epoxy composite materials, due to their low density and significant fluid loading, the acoustic microscopy response is significantly different from that for higher density materials. To model the time domain acoustic microscopy response for a mutilayered composite, we applied the global matrix method in the form similar to that of Mal [9], thus avoiding the numerical instability at high frequency.</p>
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf
dc.identifier archive/lib.dr.iastate.edu/qnde/1999/allcontent/168/
dc.identifier.articleid 4176
dc.identifier.contextkey 5824056
dc.identifier.s3bucket isulib-bepress-aws-west
dc.identifier.submissionpath qnde/1999/allcontent/168
dc.identifier.uri https://dr.lib.iastate.edu/handle/20.500.12876/61597
dc.language.iso en
dc.relation.ispartofseries Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation
dc.source.bitstream archive/lib.dr.iastate.edu/qnde/1999/allcontent/168/1999_Wang_TimeResolved.pdf|||Fri Jan 14 21:06:06 UTC 2022
dc.source.uri 10.1007/978-1-4615-4791-4_169
dc.title Time Resolved Line Focus Acoustic Microscopy of Composites
dc.type event
dc.type.genre article
dspace.entity.type Publication
relation.isSeriesOfPublication 289a28b5-887e-4ddb-8c51-a88d07ebc3f3
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