KAT4IA: K-Means Assisted Training for Image Analysis of Field-Grown Plant Phenotypes

dc.contributor.author Guo, Xingche
dc.contributor.author Qiu, Yumou
dc.contributor.author Nettleton, Dan
dc.contributor.author Yeh, Cheng-Ting
dc.contributor.author Zheng, Zihao
dc.contributor.author Hey, Stefan
dc.contributor.author Schnable, Patrick
dc.contributor.department Statistics
dc.contributor.department Agronomy
dc.contributor.department Plant Sciences Institute
dc.date 2021-08-17T12:07:51.000
dc.date.accessioned 2021-09-09T23:14:26Z
dc.date.available 2021-09-09T23:14:26Z
dc.date.copyright Fri Jan 01 00:00:00 UTC 2021
dc.date.issued 2021-01-01
dc.description.abstract <p>High-throughput phenotyping enables the efficient collection of plant trait data at scale. One example involves using imaging systems over key phases of a crop growing season. Although the resulting images provide rich data for statistical analyses of plant phenotypes, image processing for trait extraction is required as a prerequisite. Current methods for trait extraction are mainly based on supervised learning with human labeled data or semisupervised learning with a mixture of human labeled data and unsupervised data. Unfortunately, preparing a sufficiently large training data is both time and labor-intensive. We describe a self-supervised pipeline (KAT4IA) that uses -means clustering on greenhouse images to construct training data for extracting and analyzing plant traits from an image-based field phenotyping system. The KAT4IA pipeline includes these main steps: self-supervised training set construction, plant segmentation from images of field-grown plants, automatic separation of target plants, calculation of plant traits, and functional curve fitting of the extracted traits. To deal with the challenge of separating target plants from noisy backgrounds in field images, we describe a novel approach using row-cuts and column-cuts on images segmented by transform domain neural network learning, which utilizes plant pixels identified from greenhouse images to train a segmentation model for field images. This approach is efficient and does not require human intervention. Our results show that KAT4IA is able to accurately extract plant pixels and estimate plant heights.</p>
dc.description.comments <p>This article is published as Xingche Guo, Yumou Qiu, Dan Nettleton, Cheng-Ting Yeh, Zihao Zheng, Stefan Hey, Patrick S. Schnable, "KAT4IA: K-Means Assisted Training for Image Analysis of Field-Grown Plant Phenotypes", <em>Plant Phenomics</em>, vol. 2021, Article ID 9805489, 12 pages, 2021. doi:<a href="https://doi.org/10.34133/2021/9805489" target="_blank">10.34133/2021/9805489</a>.</p>
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf
dc.identifier archive/lib.dr.iastate.edu/stat_las_pubs/341/
dc.identifier.articleid 1344
dc.identifier.contextkey 24355294
dc.identifier.s3bucket isulib-bepress-aws-west
dc.identifier.submissionpath stat_las_pubs/341
dc.identifier.uri https://dr.lib.iastate.edu/handle/20.500.12876/VrO5MKJw
dc.language.iso en
dc.source.bitstream archive/lib.dr.iastate.edu/stat_las_pubs/341/2021_Nettleton_KMeansAssisted.pdf|||Fri Jan 14 23:41:44 UTC 2022
dc.source.uri 10.34133/2021/9805489
dc.subject.disciplines Agricultural Science
dc.subject.disciplines Agriculture
dc.subject.disciplines Longitudinal Data Analysis and Time Series
dc.subject.disciplines Theory and Algorithms
dc.title KAT4IA: K-Means Assisted Training for Image Analysis of Field-Grown Plant Phenotypes
dc.type article
dc.type.genre article
dspace.entity.type Publication
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