Locational Marginal Pricing: When and Why Not?

dc.contributor.author Tesfatsion, Leigh
dc.contributor.department Economics
dc.contributor.department Electrical and Computer Engineering
dc.date.accessioned 2023-07-05T14:13:21Z
dc.date.available 2023-07-05T14:13:21Z
dc.date.issued 2023-10-11
dc.description.abstract This study establishes that Locational Marginal Pricing (LMP) is conceptually problematic for grid-supported centrally-managed wholesale power markets transitioning to decarbonized grid operations with increasingly diverse participants, hence with increasingly uncertain and volatile net loads. LMP assigns a common per-unit price LMP(b,T) ($/MWh) to each “next” unit (MWh) of grid-delivered energy, conditional on delivery location b and delivery period T. However, the valuation of this “next” unit by a market participant or system operator will typically depend strongly on the specific dynamic attributes of the path of power injections and/or withdrawals (MW) used to implement the delivery of this “next” unit at b during T. One option is to muddle through, forcing market participants and system operators to express benefit and cost valuations for “next” units of grid-delivered energy (MWh) in per-unit form ($/MWh) without regard for the true benefits and costs of flexible dynamic power delivery. Another option, illustrated in this study, is to explore alternative conceptually-coherent product definitions, settlement rules, and bid/offer contract formulations that permit electric power grids to function efficiently as flexibility-support insurance mechanisms enabling just-in-time power deliveries to meet just-in-time customer power demands and grid reliability requirements.
dc.description.comments JEL Classification: C6, D4, D6, L1, Q4. Length 13 pages. Original Release Date: June 30, 2023. Revision: October 11, 2023.
dc.identifier.uri https://dr.lib.iastate.edu/handle/20.500.12876/7wbO3oRv
dc.language.iso en
dc.publisher Copyright 2023, The Author
dc.relation.ispartofseries 23003
dc.subject.disciplines DegreeDisciplines::Social and Behavioral Sciences::Economics::Industrial Organization
dc.subject.disciplines DegreeDisciplines::Engineering::Electrical and Computer Engineering::Power and Energy
dc.subject.keywords Locational marginal pricing
dc.subject.keywords grid-supported RTO/ISO-managed wholesale power markets
dc.subject.keywords benefit/cost many-to-one measurement issues
dc.subject.keywords problematic short-to-long emphasis
dc.subject.keywords supply-offer rigidity
dc.subject.keywords conceptually-consistent alternative market design
dc.subject.keywords grids as flexibility-support insurance mechanisms
dc.title Locational Marginal Pricing: When and Why Not?
dc.type Working Paper
dspace.entity.type Publication
relation.isAuthorOfPublication 1b45fd18-54a5-46e7-a853-62262cd64b39
relation.isOrgUnitOfPublication 4c5aa914-a84a-4951-ab5f-3f60f4b65b3d
relation.isOrgUnitOfPublication a75a044c-d11e-44cd-af4f-dab1d83339ff
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