Algorithmic matching of striated tool marks
Lin, Yuhang (Tom)
Hofmann, Heike
Salyards, Jeff
Major Professor
Committee Member
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Automatic matching algorithms for assessing the similarity between striation marks have been investigated for bullet lands and some tool marks, such as screwdrivers. We are interested in the investigation of how well tools can be identified by marks left on items, such as wires. Previous work has shown that this automatic algorithm successfully identified wires cut by the same tool in the same location in 92% of all cases in our experiment while identifying differences correctly in 95%. This analysis identifies related crime scenes; matching wire to sheet cuts is more prominent in casework and trials. The comparison between wire cuts and a sheet is complicated by the fact that all but the 'right' location leads to comparisons that look difference. We expect that we will find the correct location on the blade using the previously discussed algorithms. Of particular interest is the effect of multiple comparisons n the FPR. This is an update to the previously shown results for wire-to-wire comparisons.
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The following was presented at the Association of Firearm and Tool Mark Examiners (AFTE) 2024, Anchorage, Alaska, May 26-31, 2024.