A case study in sustainability: designing studio spaces on the vertical within the recycled Armory Building

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Kim, Hyung-Chan
Major Professor
Committee Member
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In a period of scarce resources, this proposal presents a plan for adapting an existing facility for an optimum resource investment. The moral obligation of the interior designer is, not only to develop a design in a new space, but also to preserve previously built environments. The most important contemporary issue is to create an environmentally friendly design. Therefore, the designer needs to consider environmental aspects, which are energy conservation, pollution prevention, resource efficiency, systems integration, and life cycle cost. This proposal will encompass a sustainable design, as well as functional, efficient and aesthetic environments. The College of Design on the Iowa State University campus operates two buildings as design facilities: The Design Center and the Armory Building. The Armory Building, with studios and presentation space for freshmen of the Core Program (Pre-professional programs), is being used as a facility to support the Design Center. The proposed four level design for the Armory will occupy the central space of the building. It will house design studios for the graduate programs and Core program, faculty-student research spaces, computer and lighting labs, lecture and presentation spaces, plus an auditorium, activity space, and lounges. This proposed design would consider health and safety, welfare, fire and ADA codes; due to all of these needs, an elevator and three two-hour rated staircases will be included in the design. It is of utmost importance to utilize ecological materials in the proposed project. Therefore, the purpose necessitates the use of sustainable materials, appropriate spaces where they are used, and the reasons they are so specified. It is believed that this design will make use of sustainable materials for reducing environmental impact based on a green building rating system. The main purpose of the present study is to design and develop an educational facility in the Armory Building, utilizing sustainable design materials. The proposed design will include preservation of the historical building, improvement of educational environment, and the utilization of the sustainable principles. This present proposal study is directed to achieving a design approach through the creation of a new conceptual design for the Armory Building.

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Sat Jan 01 00:00:00 UTC 2005
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