True and Base Friction Angles of Clays
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American Society of Civil Engineers
Hvorslev’s theory states that the true friction angle and the base friction angle (or Hvorslev’s constant) are fundamental properties of soils that remain constant regardless of the overconsolidation ratio. The use of the true and base friction angles allows for the determination of the traditional shear strength parameters without the need to conduct testing for different stress histories. Despite the importance of these parameters, there is little study available on understanding these parameters for different types of soils. In this study, laboratory prepared mixtures of montmorillonite, kaolinite, and quartz were overconsolidated in an oedometer before their strengths were measured in a constant volume direct simple shear device. The samples were tested at overconsolidation ratios ranging from 1 (normally consolidated) to 32. The results obtained were used to determine the values of the true and base friction angles. Values of the base friction angle were found to depend on the dominating clay mineral. In montmorillonite-dominated soils, the base friction angle remained nearly constant regardless of the plasticity index. However, it was found to increase with an increase in the plasticity index in kaolinite-dominated soils. For both montmorillonite- and kaolinite-dominated soils, the true friction angle would decrease with an increase in the plasticity index for soils with plasticity indices less than 80. An increase in the plasticity index beyond 80 did not result in significant changes in the true friction angle.
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This is a manuscript of a proceeding published as Tiwari, Binod, Beena Ajmera, Mohammed Al-Behadili, and Mohammed Mohammed. "True and Base Friction Angles of Clays." In Geo-Congress 2022, pp. 56-64.
This material may be found at DOI: 10.1061/9780784484036.006.
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