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Accountants are the business leaders in corporations and governments who manage, analyze, and explain complex information. Accountants are at the forefront of data analytics and lead the planning, evaluating, controlling, and reporting of activities in an entity. The major in accounting is designed to give students a conceptual foundation, developing their financial acumen and analytical skills for use in every facet of business. Students who complete the accounting major are well prepared for careers in industry, government, and the public accounting profession. Accountants both provide and explain useful financial information to internal users (such as managers in a company) and external users (such as investors, creditors, government officials, and the general public). Accounting is an integral part of the management of business and government organizations. Accounting information is needed by external users to make investment decisions, to grant or withhold credit, and in the case of government, to collect revenue and gather statistical information. To provide useful information, accountants collect, analyze, synthesize, and communicate data in an understandable manner. The curriculum in accounting is accredited by AACSB International, the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business.

Publication Search Results

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Long-term Attachments and Long-Run Firm Rates of Return

2004-10-01 , Orazem, Peter , Bouillon, Marvin , Doran, Benjamin , Economics , Accounting

Long-term attachments between workers and firms are common. Numerous studies have examined worker returns to tenure, but little is known of firm returns to firm-worker matches. Yet these attachments represent a human capital asset quasi-held by the firm, which is not captured by traditional accounting measures of firm assets. Firms with large quasi-holdings of human capital will have higher measured return on assets, other things equal. Analysis of data on 250 large manufacturing firms supports the view that firms profit from long-term attachments with their workers. Consequently, unmeasured human capital assets contribute to the explanation of persistence in measured long-run excess profits across