Pardo-Ballester, Cristina

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World Languages and Cultures
The Department of World Languages and Cultures seeks to provide an understanding of other cultures through their languages, providing both linguistic proficiency and cultural literacy. Majors in French, German, and Spanish are offered, and other coursework is offered in Arabic, Chinese, Classical Greek, Latin, Portuguese, and Russian

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2021-04-01 , Pardo-Ballester, Cristina , World Languages and Cultures

Corazón, corazón. ¿Qué más pides, corazón? Corazón ¿Estás ahí? ¿Qué sientes? El día está iluminado y no porque haga calor o haya salido el sol en febrero, sino porque mi corazón siente el bienestar de mi hogar. Las paredes del Internet han pasado a ser el aula virtual donde mi mente está relajada, donde puedo pensar. No tengo la necesidad de desinfectarme las manos al tocar las teclas del ordenador que tengo en el despacho de mi casa.

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Technology-mediated TBLT in a Hybrid Environment: Bridging Content and Language Production

2019-01-01 , Pardo-Ballester, Cristina , World Languages and Cultures

This article examines the use of technology-mediated, task-based language teaching (TBLT) in a hybrid environment as an instructional approach in an intermediate-level Spanish course. It (a) evaluates elements of a hybrid course that was developed with computer-assisted language learning (CALL) materials to help learners improve their Spanish, focusing on two areas of specialization––engineering and business; (b) examines the effectiveness of the course materials and curriculum with a focus on CALL readings; (c) demonstrates that the technology-mediated TBLT approach in the hybrid learning environment was successful in linking content and language; and (d) establishes that the learners’ speaking skills had improved over the course with a computerized oral assessment. Language assessment results indicate that the technology-mediated TBLT program not only had an impact on intermediate Spanish learners’ speaking skills, but also prepared learners to perform tasks in both the target language and their fields of interest (i.e., business and engineering). The results contribute to the research of the effectiveness of technology-mediated TBLT.

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L2 Collaborative E-writing

2016-01-01 , Carillo Cabello, Adolfo , Pardo-Ballester, Cristina , World Languages and Cultures

Writing as a process has been recognized as an important tenant to integrate in L1 and L2 language courses. Research in this area has shown that collaboration in the form of peer-review exercises can improve writing outcomes. Even though research in this area has identified benefits for conducting peer reviews online, these studies have focused on the analysis of improvements in writing skills from the collaboration process without full consideration of the medium used in the process of collaboration and how the perceptions of students evolve.

This mixed-methods longitudinal study was aimed at the examination of the change in perceptions of Spanish intermediate language learners in out-of-class writing tasks. The study considered the interactions of 201 students in peer review exercises using discussion forums and grading rubrics in Blackboard 9. Data was collected using a survey that contained 17 Likert-scale items and two open-ended questions. The survey was administered at the beginning, middle, and end of 16- week semesters for a year. Results of the study have pedagogical implications for the selection of the medium of interaction and the use of digital media in collaborative writing assignments for instructors as well as course and materials developers.

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The Validity Argument of a Web-Based Spanish Listening Exam: Test Usefulness Evaluation

2010-01-01 , Pardo-Ballester, Cristina , World Languages and Cultures

This study describes research used for supporting a validity argument for a new Spanish Listening Exam, whose scores are intended to place examinees into appropriate levels of university Spanish classes. This study contributes to the field of argument-based approaches to language assessment by implementing Bachman's (2005)Bachman, L. F. 2005. Building and supporting a case for test use. Language Assessment Quarterly, 1: 1–34. [Google Scholar] assessment use argument framework. The validity argument is supported by research providing backing for three warrants pertaining to the quality of inference that can be made on the basis of examinees' performance. These warrants, based on three qualities of test usefulness (Bachman & Palmer, 1996Bachman, L. F. and Palmer, A. S. 1996. Language testing in practice, Oxford, , UK: Oxford University Press. [Google Scholar]), guided test development and research toward a placement test with the purpose of grouping students according to their levels of language ability within the framework of the communicative approach for learning Spanish.

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El Pasado, Presente y Futuro de la Ensenanza de Ele

2021-04-01 , Pardo-Ballester, Cristina , World Languages and Cultures

Con el avance de la tecnología, estudios empíricos han demostrado que los estudiantes de lenguas extranjeras matriculados en un curso a distancia o híbrido consiguen los mismos o mejores resultados que los que estudian en un curso presencial (Blake et al., 2008; Chenoweth y Murday, 2003; Enkin y Mejías-Bikandi, 2017; Pardo-Ballester, 2018). Sabemos que el éxito de los estudiantes matriculados en dichos cursos depende de su motivación, pero también del esfuerzo que haga el docente y del entrenamiento que haya recibido en la pedagogía de la lengua a distancia (Blake, 2012). En este estudio, 101 docentes de ELE respondieron a una encuesta anónima que investigó el bienestar emocional en tres periodos: antes, al comienzo y durante la pandemia. Con dicha investigación se pretende (1) averiguar cómo había afectado el cambio de enseñar con una pedagogía presencial a una virtual y también (2) ofrecer recomendaciones a los administradores de instituciones de enseñanza superior. Este estudio responde dos preguntas de investigación: ¿Cumplieron los docentes de ELE su papel de educar a sus estudiantes durante el curso escolar 2020-2021 a pesar de enseñar en plena pandemia? ¿Cumplió la administración universitaria su papel de apoyo ofreciendo al profesorado recursos eficaces?

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La evaluación de la destreza oral Una comparación entre cursos "híbridos a distancia" y "presenciales ALAO"

2018-12-01 , Pardo-Ballester, Cristina , World Languages and Cultures

In the last decade, university institutions have been increasing, which demand from the teaching staff a greater offer of courses where technology is effectively incorporated into teaching. Critical studies published today, relating to the use of different technological tools in conjunction with language teaching, repeatedly contain the terms "distance learning" or "online course", as well as the terms "hybrid" or "combined" for make reference to the same model, to the same type of course. This study distinguishes two terms to refer to two models of courses: "hybrid at a distance" and "face-to-face ALAO". The oral dexterity of 132 participants was evaluated through pre and post-tests with the purpose of investigating the mastery of this skill with students enrolled in different teaching models and different semesters (first and third semester). The results of ANOVA indicate a statistically significant difference between the two models "hybrid at distance" and "face-to-face ALAO" in the first semester of Spanish in the overall score of the examVersant and in fluency favoring the students of the "hybrid distance" model.

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Design-Based Research in CALL

2013-01-01 , Martinez-Alvarez, Patricia , Bannan, Brenda , Pardo-Ballester, Cristina , Bush, Michael , Campbell, Lucy , Hoven, Debra , Hung, Hsiu-Ting , Johnson, E. Marcia , Koop, Elaine , Larsen-Freeman, Diane , Levy, Mike , Lewis, Tasha , McKenney, Susan , Palalas, Agnieszka , Reeves, Thomas , Rodriguez, Julio , Sorenson, Meg , Sumi, Seijiro , Takeuchi, Osamu , World Languages and Cultures

The purpose of this volume is to expand and refine our understanding of the use of design-based research (DBR) in CALL by contributing to the growing body of literature in this area. We have tried our best to strike a balance between theoretical considerations and concrete examples of DBR. The first section of this volume focuses on theoretical perspectives and ideas that can inform the use of DBR in CALL. The second section contains studies that illustrate DBR through concrete instances of its operationalization. We hope this volume will be a useful source of information and inspiration for those considering to further explore DBR in CALL. For updates on DBR in CALL, please visit the companion site to this volume:

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Coronavirus y el Futuro de la Educación de Lenguas Extranjeras a Nivel Universitario

2020-10-01 , Pardo-Ballester, Cristina , World Languages and Cultures

A principios de los años noventa empezaron a culminar proyectos de tele-colaboración en los que muchos educadores de lengua contactaban a otros que se encontraban ubicados en otro lugar con el fin de que sus estudiantes colaborasen juntos. El punto geográfico no fue un obstáculo para el aprendizaje de una segunda lengua (L2). Por ejemplo, estudiantes de español como lengua extranjera o L2 en una universidad estadounidense colaboraban con otros que aprendían inglés, pero estaban ubicados en Chile o cualquier otro país de habla hispana. Estos intercambios virtuales se lograban mediante las simples herramientas del chat o correo electrónico y gracias a la tele-colaboración muchos estudiantes mejoraron sus habilidades de escritura y lectura. Muy pronto distintos estudios empíricos, como el de O’Dowd del año 2003, revelaron que no solo era posible mejorar la habilidad de leer y de escribir en la L2, sino que dichos proyectos representaban grandes fuentes de intercambio cultural.

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El uso del vídeo en tests de comprensión oral por internet

2016-01-01 , Pardo-Ballester, Cristina , World Languages and Cultures

Con la tecnología multimedia sofisticada, hay un interés renovado en la relación entre canales visuales y auditivos en la evaluación de la comprensión oral (CO). La investigación emergente sobre el uso de elementos visuales en la evaluación de la comprensión oral ha producido resultados no concluyentes. Algunos estudiantes se desempeñan mejor en pruebas que incluyen la información visual (Wagner, 2007) mientras otros no han encontrado ninguna diferencia en el desempeño de los participantes en los dos formatos de prueba (Batty, 2015). Estos resultados mixtos hacen que sea necesario examinar el papel de la utilización de audio y vídeo en CO, medido por pruebas de comprensión oral en la L2. El presente estudio examinó los efectos de dos tipos diferentes de apoyo a la comprensión oral en la comprensión de alumnos en la L2: (a) ayuda visual mediante un vídeo cuyo contenido fue modificado con redundancia y (b) sin ayuda visual, sólo audio cuyo contenido fue modificado con redundancia. El grupo de participantes en este estudio estaba formado por 246 estudiantes de castellano matriculados en dos cursos distintos de castellano intermedio en una gran universidad del Medio Oeste de E.E U.U. Participaron en cuatro tareas de comprensión oral, bien con vídeo, bien con audio. Se presentarán las conclusiones sobre el papel del vídeo cómo dispositivo de apoyo a la comprensión oral y las diferencias entre los formatos de curso con respecto a sus efectos sobre la comprensión oral de los estudiantes de castellano de nivel intermedio. También se comentarán las preferencias de los participantes con respecto a los diferentes apoyos a la comprensión oral.

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CALL Evaluation: Students’ Perception and Use of LoMásTv

2012-01-01 , Pardo-Ballester, Cristina , World Languages and Cultures

In order to integrate technology into the language curriculum, it is essential not only to evaluate a program with a second language acquisition (SLA) framework but also seek the students’ attitudes towards the use of computer-assisted language learning (CALL) (Ayres, 2002). Addressing CALL evaluation, this paper reports on a 2-year empirical study of learners’ perceptions, at the intermediate level, about the use of a web-based multimedia program with authentic video clips having full control of help options (i.e., dual input using subtitles in L1 and L2, pitch-correct slow play, and backward and forward buttons, transcripts and online dictionary) and its effectiveness as a language-learning tool guided by Chapelle’s (2001) framework. Students believed that the learned culture and vocabulary enhanced their listening skills. A pretest/posttest design assessed the long-term gains in listening and speaking performances. Results indicated a significant gain in listening and speaking skills because posttest scores were significantly higher than pretest scores. The paper concludes by highlighting what lessons to consider when integrating CALL into language courses.