Development of a Novel System for Recombineering in Mycoplasma Mitzelfeldt, Clair
dc.contributor.department Veterinary Microbiology and Preventive Medicine 2018-02-14T10:01:21.000 2020-07-07T05:10:38Z 2020-07-07T05:10:38Z 2014-04-15
dc.description.abstract <p>Mycoplasmas are unique bacteria characterized by their lack of a cell wall and minimal genomes. They are the causative agent of many important human and animal diseases such as atypical pneumonia and contagious bovine pleuropneumonia. A general requirement of successful infection is the attachment of the bacteria to the tropic tissue by adhesins that are often poorly understood. We have designed a novel method of gene-specific recombineering in Mycoplasmas in an attempt to better understand their pathogenesis at the molecular level. Due to their lack of many biosynthetic pathways, growth of Mycoplasmas is tenuous at best making this research an arduous task. To overcome this obstacle, we will first test and optimize the experimental conditions in the model organism Escherichia coli. A unique tetracycline resistance cassette will be constructed by PCR and introduced site-specifically into RecA+ and RecA- E. coli using exogenous RecA-catalyzed recombination. Successful recombinants will be selected for by tetracycline resistance and screened for ß-galactosidase activity. Appropriate mutants will be antibiotic resistant and Lac– demonstrating the knockout of the ß-galactosidase gene lacZ. The outcome of these experiments will provide a flexible new technique for the study of Mycoplasmas.</p>
dc.identifier archive/
dc.identifier.articleid 1050
dc.identifier.contextkey 5914610
dc.identifier.s3bucket isulib-bepress-aws-west
dc.identifier.submissionpath undergradresearch_symposium/2014/presentations/51
dc.relation.ispartofseries Symposium on Undergraduate Research and Creative Expression
dc.source.bitstream archive/|||Sat Jan 15 00:42:57 UTC 2022
dc.subject.disciplines Bacteriology
dc.title Development of a Novel System for Recombineering in Mycoplasma
dc.type event
dc.type.genre article
dspace.entity.type Publication
relation.isOrgUnitOfPublication 16f8e472-b1cd-4d8f-b016-09e96dbc4d83
relation.isSeriesOfPublication 6730f354-97b8-4408-bad3-7e5c3b2fca9d Microbiology and Genetics
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