Experiment in feeding for milk

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Wilson, James
Patrick, G.
Curtiss, C.
Eaton, E.
Kent, D.
Major Professor
Committee Member
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For the purpose of learning the comparative value of Iowa feeding stuffs for milk, an experiment has been conducted with eight cows during a space of sixty days. Upon taking possession of the Station and Farm the present management found corn fodder, corn ensilage, cane ensilage and roots, at their disposal, and resolved to begin a system of investigation that is intended to embrace everything grown on Iowa soils that can be profitably turned into milk and meats. We desired to study the farm animals with a view to learning their value, make tests of the yield of all the cows as regards quality and quantity of milk, so as to select, and reject, with intelligence, and put the herds upon the highest plane of usefulness. The Station and Farm had about thirty cows giving milk, and from these we selected eight whose milking seasons would not terminate during the time they would be under trial. Of the six distinct breeds on the grounds, we selected two thoroughbred Holsteins, Nos. 114 and 115, a grade Holstein No. 64, a thoroughbred Short horn No. 219, a grade Ayrshire and short horn No. 40, a grade Jersey No. 38, and two grade Short horns Nos. 3 and 37. The numbers are the names of the cows, all grades being numbered between one and one hundred, Holsteins between one hundred and two hundred, Short horns between two hundred and three hun-hundred, and, as we will use some of these cows in other experiments for future reports, we retain the numbers by which all the farm workmen know them.

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