Proceedings of the Twenty-Eighth Annual Biochemical Engineering Symposium

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Reilly, Peter
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This series of Annual Biochemical Engineering Symposia was started in 1971 by Professors Larry E. Erickson of Kansas State University and Peter]. Reilly; then of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. It is designed for graduate students and occasionally postdoctoral fellows and undergraduates to present the results of their research and the directions of their future work to audiences not so familiar as those at their home institutions but not so seemingly intimidating as those at national professional meetings. It also serves as a vehicle for those engaged in similar lines of research to become acquainted with each other and with each others' work. To that end, discussions both during the meeting and at social events are encouraged. To improve students' skills in the writing of articles, in general those that follow were first drafted by the students who presented the work. In recent years, the symposium has rotated among the University of Colorado, Boulder; Colorado State University; Iowa State University; the University of Kansas; Kansas State University; the University of Missouri, Columbia; and the University of Oklahoma. This 28th Annual Biochemical Engineering Symposium took place at Iowa State University; Ames, lA, on October 3, 1998.


- Oral Presentations -

High Pressure Crystallization of Purafect Subtilisin - Ruta Y. Waghmare, Jonathan N. Webb, Theodore W Randolph, Maurice A. Larson, and Charles E. Glatz, Department of Chemical Engineering, Iowa State University and Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Colorado.

High Pressure Refolding of Protein Aggregates - Richard J. St. John, John E Carpenter, and Theodore W. Randolph, Center of Pharmaceutical Biotechnology and Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Colorado.

Purification of 13-Glucuronidase and Its Fusions from Spiked Canola Protein Extract by Anion Exchange Chromatography - Chenming Zhang and Charles E. Glatz, Department of Chemical Engineering, Iowa State University.

Biodegradation and Remediation of Methyl tert-Butyl Ether - Qizhi Zhang, Lawrence C. Davis, and Larry E. Erickson. Departments of Chemical Engineering and Biochemistry; Kansas State University.

Function and Degradation of Benzotriazole - Doug Lupher, L. C. Davis, and L. E. Erickson. Departments of Chemical Engineering and Biochemistry, Kansas State University.

Apoptosis and Bcl-2 Expression in Hybridoma Cell Cultures - Mark C. Mowry, Marit Nilsen-Hamilton, and Carole A. Heath, Departments of Chemical Engineering and Biochemistry; Biophysics, and Molecular Biology, Iowa State University.

Mathematical Modeling of Fluid Dynamics in the Eye - Jeffrey Heys and Victor H. Barocas, Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Colorado.

The Influence of the Conduit on Regeneration in a Bioartificial Nerve Graft - Gregory E. Rutkowski and Carole A. Heath, Department of Chemical Engineering, Iowa State University.

- Posters -

Effect of Processing on the Recovery of Recombinant 13-Glucuronidase from Transgenic Canola - Y. Bail and Z. L. Nikolov, Departments of Chemical Engineering and Food Science and Human Nutrition, Iowa State University.

A Novel Technique Using Photopolymerization for Cell Encapsulation as a Method for Cartilage Regeneration - S. J. Bryant, C. R. Nuttelman, and K. S. Anseth, Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Colorado.

Intermittent Compressive Effects on Cartilage Matrix Formation - Scott E. Carver and Carole A. Heath, Department of Chemical Engineering, Iowa State University.

Size Classification of an Iron-Carbon Magnetic Particulate for a Localized Drug Delivery System - Ryan P. Cooper, Melinda Roskos, John E Doyle, Theresa Longin, Kelly Rakes, and Paul Todd, Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Colorado.

A Coupled Model of the Cardiorespiratory and Thermoregulatory Effects: Dehydration Effects - Dawn Downey and Richard C. Seagrave, Department of Chemical Engineering and Biomedical Engineering Program, Iowa State University.

Uptake of Tricholorethylene by Plants - Jiang Hu, L. C. Davis, and L. E. Erickson, Departments of Chemical Engineering and Biochemistry, Kansas State University.

Controlled Fenamiphos Release Using Starch Based Polymer Blend Encapsulation - S. Iwashita, N. Pednekar, and M. Z. Southard, Department of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering, University of Kansas.

Phytoremediation of Washwater Sediments Contaminated with Petroleum Hydrocarbons - P. Kulakow, R. Karthikeyan, B. Leven, K. R. Mankin, and L. E. Erickson\ Departments of Agronomy, Biological and Agricultural Engineering, Great Plains/Rocky Mountain Hazardous Substance Research Center, and "Chemical Engineering, Kansas State University.

Automated Docking of Maltose, 2-Deoxymaltose, and Maltotetraose into the Soybean β-Amylase Active Site - Alain Laederachl, Michael K. Dowd, Pedro M. Coutinho, and Peter J. Reilly, Department of Chemical Engineering, Iowa State University, Southern Regional Research Center, USDA, New Orleans, LA, and Centre de Recherches sur les Macromolecules Vegetales, CNRS, F-38041 Grenoble cedex, France.

Customized Injectable Pluronic® Gels for Sustained Drug Delivery - Theodore Moore\ Michael Oberhaus, Nita Pandit, and Surya Mallapragada, Department of Chemical Engineering, Iowa State University, and College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, Drake University.

Evaluation of Surgical Limb Lengthening Through Radiographic Absorptiometry - Sridhar Sunderam, Brad W Olney, and Marylee Z. Southard, Departments of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering and Orthopedic Surgery, University of Kansas.

Controlled Release and Modeling of Drug Distribution in Vitreous - Jing Xu, Victor H. Barocas, and Theodore W Randolph, Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Colorado.

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