Pinto Beans and Green Beans Result in Comparable Glycemic Control in Adults with Type 2 Diabetes: A Randomized Pilot Trial
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Aims: Glucose control is essential to slow disease progression in people with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). The acute effects of dry bean consumption on glucose control are well established, but their long-term effects in daily diets are less known.
Methods: The effect of daily consumption of ½ cup pinto beans, compared to ½ cup green beans, on fasting glucose, postprandial glucose and hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) in adults with T2DM was examined. After a 2-week wash-in period, 13 participants were randomized to two 12-week long treatments: pinto beans and green beans. Before and after each intervention period, a fasted venous blood sample for glucose and HbA1c analyses was drawn. On 28 non-consecutive days, including the washin, participants kept diet records and measured capillary glucose using a glucometer 1 hour after the meal during which the treatments were consumed.
Results: Eight participants completed both treatment periods. There were no statistically significant changes (p<0.05) in fasting glucose, HbA1c or average postprandial glucose values between the two interventions.
Conclusions: Pinto beans and green beans result in comparable glycemic control when incorporated into the normal diet of adults with T2DM even though pinto beans have more available carbohydrate per serving.
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This article is published as Hutchins, A.M., Winham, D.M, Pinto Beans and Green Beans Result in Comparable Glycemic Control in Adults with Type 2 Diabetes: A Randomized Pilot Trial. Food Science & Nutrition Technology March 04, 2020 5(1); 000211. DOI: 10.23880/fsnt-16000211