Are negative and positive reviews regarding apparel fit influential?

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Shin, Eonyou
Damhorst, Mary L.
Major Professor
Committee Member
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Emerald Insight
Purpose The purpose of the current study is to explore how valenced fit reviews affect the consumer decision-making process during online apparel shopping. Design/methodology/approach A single factor (valence of fit review) within-subject experimental design was employed to examine how the valenced fit review (negative vs positive) affects the consumer online purchase decision process. A mock website was created to simulate the online shopping environment through four steps for developing a stimulus website for the main study. The data were analyzed using repeated multivariate analysis of variance and structural equation modeling. Findings A total of 418 female consumers completed an online self-administrated survey. Results showed that positive fit review was more compelling than negative fit review for female consumers when they like the apparel product. Two aspects of information credibility (review and site credibility) and confidence in purchase decision evoked by both fit reviews and overall product information were significant determinants of the consumer purchase decision process in increasing consumers’ future purchase intentions through attitude to the online retailer. Originality/value The current study was an attempt to fill the gap in knowledge regarding the crucial role of fit reviews in apparel product purchase decisions in an online context. This study confirmed the type of fit reviews that would be influential on female consumers’ online purchase decision-making process for apparel products when they liked the apparel product, supporting positive confirmation bias from the information processing point of view. This study contributed to the importance of the two concepts (i.e. credibility and confidence in the purchase decision) in online information processing and purchase decision-making process.
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This accepted article is published as Shin, E., Chung, T. and Damhorst, M.L. (2021), "Are negative and positive reviews regarding apparel fit influential?", Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management, Vol. 25 No. 1, pp. 63-79. Posted with permission.
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