An Ounce of Prevention: A Simple and Practical Tool for Mitigating Cognitive Bias in Forensic Decisions
Quigley-McBride, Adele
Dror, Itiel
Roy, Tiffany
Garrett, Brandon
Kukucka, Jeff
Major Professor
Committee Member
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Copyright 2023, The Authors
Learning Overview: The free information management toolkit described in this presentation will be introduced and attendees will learn to use this toolkit as a training tool and as a practical solution for analysts and laboratories interested in implementing the Linear Sequential Unmasking-Expanded (Dror & Kukucka, 2021).
Impact Statement: This freely available tool can guide analysts in their evaluation of case materials, encourage transparent and reliable decision-making, and serve as a training tool for forensic analysts and other legal professionals seeking guidance on judgment and decision-making processes in forensic analysis. In addition, by providing a framework for documenting and reporting their use of case information, this toolkit can protect analysts who are inadvertently exposed to task irrelevant information during their evaluation of evidence and who might face scrutiny while giving testimony.
Impact Statement: This freely available tool can guide analysts in their evaluation of case materials, encourage transparent and reliable decision-making, and serve as a training tool for forensic analysts and other legal professionals seeking guidance on judgment and decision-making processes in forensic analysis. In addition, by providing a framework for documenting and reporting their use of case information, this toolkit can protect analysts who are inadvertently exposed to task irrelevant information during their evaluation of evidence and who might face scrutiny while giving testimony.
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Is Version Of
Academic or Administrative Unit
This presentation is from the 75th Anniversary Conference of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences, Orlando, Florida, February 13-18, 2023. Posted with permission of CSAFE.