Changing an Electrical and Computer Engineering Department Culture from the Bottom Up: Action Plans Generated from Faculty Interviews

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Frickey, Elise
Rover, Diane
Khokhar, Ashfaq
Jacobson, Douglas
Major Professor
Committee Member
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Previous research [1] has documented the pressures encountered by STEM faculty at R1 institutions: weighty teaching loads, pressure to “publish or perish,” urgency to obtain funding, mentorship of graduate students, and the stress of promotion/tenure all can have deleterious effects on the well-being and job satisfaction of faculty. Moreover, these pressures interact with the disproportionate barriers faced by underrepresented faculty [2]. Given the predicted growth of faculty positions in coming years (11% from 2018-2028) [3], and that many of these positions will be held by traditionally underrepresented groups of women and persons of color, it is imperative that institutions consider the climate and culture of their departments to best meet the needs of current and future academics. Prior research points to the benefit of collaboration between faculty developers and engineering educators [4], as representation, retention, and satisfaction of diverse faculty have important implications for the education of undergraduate students in STEM as well. The purpose of the present article is to outline a collaborative implementation of a National Science Foundation (NSF) grant-funded program targeting areas of concern in a large Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) Department.

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This proceeding is published as Frickey, Elise A., Diane T. Rover, Joseph Zambreno, et al. "Changing an Electrical and Computer Engineering Department Culture from the Bottom Up: Action Plans Generated from Faculty Interviews." Paper no. 29446. 2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference. DOI: 10.18260/1-2--34273. Posted with permission.

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Wed Jan 01 00:00:00 UTC 2020
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